Shade Tree Ministry
Inviting the Mighty Men of God
Making disciples in Florida
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”
Romans 14: 17-19
Our vision is to establish a Sprit-led gathering space in Central Florida where mighty men and women of God can come together any day of the week to engage in meaningful fellowship. Shade Tree serves as a platform for expressing our thankfulness to God through music, prayer, and deep discussions centered on His word.
Wednesday Nights – Men
Sanford – Mixture of ages
Examine the picture closely. What a beautiful scene. IF you are a parent and have been following Christ, you know how blessed would you be to have your son engaging in lengthy conversations with retired Pastors (white baseball hat) and other God-fearing men who are investing their time and wisdom, speaking Life into your son. That happens every Wednesday night under the lights at Shade Tree Ministry.
The assembly of devout men from various generations in pursuit of the Lord is noteworthy, illustrating the ability of different age groups to encourage one another in their faith journey. Younger men serve as an inspiration to their elders. God’s spiritual economy is blessed.
As intended, the morning gatherings of the mighty men of God have become increasingly dominated by an older age group. This demographic of older men often have unique spiritual needs that may go unnoticed in most active and growing congregations. What they truly require is a place where they can listen and be heard, not about sports or politics, but about the word of God and what it commands of us. This becomes the lens through which we interpret our shared experiences and navigate the trials of this stage of life.
Shade Tree provides a safe space for these men to come together and reason together through this stage of life, offering each other encouragement in their faith in Christ.
Retirement, or as we prefer to call it, reassignment, brings with it both blessings and traps. Among the traps is the risk of isolation and a loss of purpose. If left to their own devices, despair can creep in unnoticed. This is a recurring theme that we have heard time and time again. That’s why we believe in the importance of gathering with fellow believers, as even Paul instructs us not to forsake the assembly of the saints.
It is abundantly clear in Scripture that God does not cease to involve people in ministry once they reach older adulthood. Psalm 92:14 reminds us of this truth: “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.”
Monday Nights – Women
Sanford – Mixture of ages
On the first Monday of each month, women dedicated to God convene in the garden for prayer and worship. Women of all ages unite to honor and exalt our magnificent Savior and powerful King, Jesus.
This gathering of committed women from diverse age groups is significant, showcasing how different generations can uplift one another in their spiritual journeys. The younger participants inspire their older counterparts, contributing to the richness of God’s spiritual community.
If you are wanting to attend, please contact us and let us know which day you plan on coming. Then we will provide all details you need.