The Seminary Building Project

Staff meeting in fellowship hall
Drone video of campus & farm

Seminary Campus
We celebrated our first graduating class in June 2021. The seminary building AND fellowship hall were also completed in 2021.
Thank you partners. All glory to God!
Fellowship Hall
The Fellowship Hall will serve as the primary conference facility for the seminary and for the growing number of affiliated churches. The building will host guest speakers, leadership development conferences, the annual Forty-Days of Prayer, and serve as a daily cafeteria for the seminary students and visitors.
The hall will be an event center for life events and leadership trainings, such as weddings, conferences, and church related gatherings. The fees from the events will directly support the teachers and staff of the seminary. Small teams of students will be responsible for jobs in marketing, event serving, grounds maintenance & housekeeping as well as leadership roles.
Questions & Answers
Can the nominated students afford seminary?
No. The vast majority of students do not have funds for a degree. As part of the requirements for receiving a scholarship, students will work in the fields and livestock projects. This reduces the labor costs and provides the student with a well-rounded understanding of sourcing income locally for ministry. Each student’s first priority is to studying God’s word, therefore students work part-time.
Where are the students coming from?
Currently, there are 18 churches in a network of sister churches we have been in partnership with for years. Each church is encouraged to plant another church from within its body. Pastors are encouraged to identify new pastors from within and nominate them for seminary enrollment. Upon their completion of seminary training, that pastor will shepherd the new church which his sending church just planted, thereby multiplying organically.
Two of the biggest needs of church plants are provided through this model; an established church willing to plant a new church start and a pastor to serve the new church start.
The curriculum for the students will include theological training, practical pastoring training and leadership development. What else are they learning?
The fundamentals of sourcing income locally for ministry and outreach. Guest speakers from the US will teach students these principles and encourage them to identify and disciple leaders in their new congregation.
Is there a plan to support the new pastor in his new church plant?
The new pastors sending church will be eager to receive him back home. Is there more we can do to support this new pastor and his congregation?
Yes. As you invest in this Bible school each new pastor also receives 100 Creole Bibles to distribute in his new church.